
Please understand that when you book an appointment we now have to adhere to safety measures and we cannot provide any exceptions to this policy and the following terms and fees apply –

If you or anyone in your household displays any symptoms before your appointment, it will be 100% cancelled/rescheduled and it is your responsibility to inform the groomer. 

Please let us know as early as possible if you're displaying any of the symptoms, so we can allow other clients on the waiting list to not miss out on our services and depending on the circumstances, previous cancellation fees will still apply.

Cancellation Policy

Please understand that when you forget or cancel an appointment without giving enough notice we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time, and clients on our waiting list miss the opportunity to receive our services. As appointments are reserved specifically for your pooch we cannot provide any exceptions to this policy and the following fee’s and terms apply –


Fees & Terms

There are no fees applied for cancellations or reschedules that have given 48 hours or more notice.

Cancellations or reschedules giving less than 24 hour notice will result in a charge equal to 50% of the reserved service amount.

No shows or cancellations on the day of the appointment will be charged 100% of the reserved service amount.

Clients who have missed a previous appointment will be asked to pay in full when booking all future appointments. These payments are non-refundable in the instance of a no show. In the instance of a rescheduling of an appointment giving less than 24 hours notice the rescheduling fee will be deducted from the advance payment.

In order to book your next appointment cancellation and rescheduling fee’s must be paid in full.


All payments must be paid within 24 hours after the groom has taken place. No future appointments will be made until all outstanding payments are up to date.

Health and Temperament


All dogs receive a health check during grooms, as standard professional practice. This includes checks to teeth, ears, paws and any abnormalities. I will always inform owner of my findings. To make grooming more comfortable for your dog, please ensure you inform me of any issues that your dog has like, allergies or medications etc before the groom takes place.

Please also inform me of any temperament or behavioural issues, so I can prepare myself and take all necessary steps to make your dog more comfortable. Any stress or anxiety issues may result in a stop to grooming and another later appointment maybe advisable. It is the essential responsibility of the owner to inform me, if your dog bites, has bitten, or is aggressive towards people. In some cases use of a muzzle maybe used, this will not harm your pet, and protects both the pet and the groomer. This is industry standard.

I reserve the right to refuse/stop services for such pets at any time before or during the grooming process.

Please inform me if your pet has been diagnosed with a heart problem, arthritis, back or neck problems, any other serious medical conditions or previous operations which might impact their health during a groom. I am committed, above all, to the health of your dog, and with full knowledge of pre-existing conditions can ensure these are fully considered throughout a groom, minimising or excluding any aspects that might cause stress to any dog with a pre-existing condition. This may mean altering some standard procedures, such as not using a heated dryer or expecting the pet to stand for extended periods. Please be aware, this could have an impact on the appearance of the groom. If the pet becomes excessively stressed or show signs of medical compromise I will stop immediately, and you will be contacted about the best way to proceed. If your dog needs veterinary assistance from a previous or existing condition whilst in our care, it will be at the owners expense.

Coat Condition


Please notify me on the condition of your dog's coat before any appointment is made. This is so I can properly prepare myself and allow extra time to your appointment. Failure to notify me could result in further cost to your groom as other appointments made that day could be impacted or jeopardized. It is your responsibility to brush your dog and I feel brushing out any matts is cruel. I believe in a welfare and pain-free mobile salon, that's why doggies enjoy coming to me, as it's a pleasant experience and one I wish to maintain. If your dog’s coat is matted or in a neglected state, please be aware that the coat will be clipped off. "Humanity before Vanity." 

It is not uncommon for underlying skin problems to present once matts are shaved off including parasites (fleas/ticks, infections (yeast/bacteria) or wounds. The groomer will contact you with any such findings. 

If fleas or ticks are found on your pet during the grooming process, you will be charged an additional fee. Ticks found will be removed. If ticks are found I strongly suggest you take your dog to be checked by your Vet, and have your pet tested for Lyme disease. Please note that parasites are a health hazard to your pets as well as to humans.


There is always the possibility an accident could occur. Grooming equipment is sharp. Even though I use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quickening of the nails etc. In most cases this can happen when a pet is wriggling or moving around. Every effort will be made to ensure your pet is groomed as safely as possible, however, some pets may have reactions to grooming products or procedures. 

Dog Photos and Video release 

I agree to allow Soundhound Mobile Dog Grooming to take photos of my dog while he/she is undertaking grooming, in any form or format, for use, at any time, in any media, marketing or promotional materials.

I, hereby acknowledge and agree I have read, understood all the terms and conditions contained in this grooming policy. I hereby execute the Agreement for my dog, I further attest that if I am not the sole owner or representative of the dog subject to this application that my consent is sufficient to enter into this Agreement for and on behalf of any other owner or representative.


Qualifications & Insurances


Fully Qualified.

City and Guilds Level 3 Diploma Dog Grooming

Fully insured